Inviting abstracts for the 18th annual ISPEN conference
(CASE REPORT ORIGINAL PAPER) Ispen welcomes abstracts of original contribution to the field of Nutrition
Instructions for Abstract Preparation:
Please read the instructions carefully before starting to submit your abstract. All abstracts must be submitted in English and must be submitted electronically at the official ispen email id Therefore, no paper abstracts will be accepted. Abstracts not prepared correctly will not be considered for reviewing.
LANGUAGE: Abstract must be typed and presented in English.
WORD LIMIT: The abstract must be written within 500 words. (Excluding title and the names of the author (s) and their institutions)
CONTENT: The submitted abstracts must contain the following (Also the attached Word File):
TITLE: The title of the abstract must be typed in CAPITAL LETTERS with the exception of scientific names, which should be in upper and lower case forms and italicized
Author's Detail: The presenting author's name must be underlined and must be in CAPITAL Letters
Affiliations: The presenting author's Affiliation must be underlined and should have all the Co-Author's Affiliation mentioned
Objectives: State the main objective of the study Materials and Methods: Briefly describe the design of the study and how it was conducted
Results: Present the main results with appropriate statistics
Conclusion: Limit the conclusions to those parts that are directly supported by the results.
The presenting author and Co-Authors name institution, telephone and email address must be provided. Presenting authors must register for the conference. Only Registered delegates will be allowed to present the abstract.
DEADLINE: Last date for abstract submission: 19th November 2023. Results declaration on 21st November Author can submit multiple abstracts
(CASE REPORT ORIGINAL PAPER) Ispen welcomes abstracts of original contribution to the field of Nutrition
Instructions for Abstract Preparation:
Please read the instructions carefully before starting to submit your abstract. All abstracts must be submitted in English and must be submitted electronically at the official ispen email id Therefore, no paper abstracts will be accepted. Abstracts not prepared correctly will not be considered for reviewing.
LANGUAGE: Abstract must be typed and presented in English.
WORD LIMIT: The abstract must be written within 500 words. (Excluding title and the names of the author (s) and their institutions)
CONTENT: The submitted abstracts must contain the following (Also the attached Word File):
TITLE: The title of the abstract must be typed in CAPITAL LETTERS with the exception of scientific names, which should be in upper and lower case forms and italicized
Author's Detail: The presenting author's name must be underlined and must be in CAPITAL Letters
Affiliations: The presenting author's Affiliation must be underlined and should have all the Co-Author's Affiliation mentioned
Objectives: State the main objective of the study Materials and Methods: Briefly describe the design of the study and how it was conducted
Results: Present the main results with appropriate statistics
Conclusion: Limit the conclusions to those parts that are directly supported by the results.
The presenting author and Co-Authors name institution, telephone and email address must be provided. Presenting authors must register for the conference. Only Registered delegates will be allowed to present the abstract.
DEADLINE: Last date for abstract submission: 19th November 2023. Results declaration on 21st November Author can submit multiple abstracts